1. Presentation and discussion in recognition of Commissioners Ennis, Robbins and Smith for their service to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
2. Discuss and take action regarding approval of the minutes of the November 15, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
3. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1740-SUP/Starbucks. Public hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing the zoning on property located at 15099 Midway Road, which is currently zoned LR, Local Retail, by amending an existing Special Use Permit for a restaurant and an existing Special Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption only in order to approve a patio, represented by Julie Martin of CM Architects.
4. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1749-SUP/Skinny Pizza. Public hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing the zoning on property located at 5026 Addison Circle, which is currently zoned UC, Urban Center, by amending an existing Special Use Permit for a restaurant and an existing Special Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption only in order to approve a revised site plan including an outdoor patio, and to approve a new Special Use Permit for the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption, on application from Skinny Pizza, represented by Mr. Joseph Barkate.