PUBLIC HEARING Case 1607-Z-1/MHSS Addison, LP. Requesting approval of an ordinance amending Planned Development Ordinance 009-004, Section 4. Development Standards and Conditions, Sub-section (a) Area Regulations., paragraph (iii), in order to revise a requirement for a parking structure on an interior lot line on Tract I from ten (10) feet to zero (0) feet, and eliminate a requirement for a ten (10) foot landscape buffer on an interior lot line on Tract I., and provide for approval of development plans in an existing Planned Development district, (#009-004), located on approximately 6.9 acres at the northwest and southwest corners of Sojourn Drive and Dallas Parkway, on application from MHSS Addison, LP, represented by Mr. Marc Goldman.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1613-SUP/Tom Thumb. Requesting approval of an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption only, located in a Local Retail zoning district and addressed as 14280 Marsh Lane, on application from Tom Thumb, represented by Mr. Gerald Franklin of the Gerald Franklin Agency.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1614-SUP/Pennysavers Foodstore. Requesting approval of an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption only, located in a Local Retail zoning district and addressed as 14330 Marsh Lane, on application from Mr. Abdul Hadwani of Altaf Foodstore, Inc.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1615-SUP/TETCO. Requesting approval of an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption only, located in a Local Retail zoning district and addressed as 5012 Belt Line Road, on application from TETCT Stores, LP, represented by Ms. Arlene Whitaker.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1616-SUP/La Zaranda Restaurant. Requesting approval of an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for a restaurant and a Special Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption only, located at 5000 Belt Line Road, Suite 850, on application from Mesea Enterprises, LLC, represented by Mr. Mario Letayf.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1617-Z/Town of Addison. Requesting approval of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Addison by amending Appendix A – Zoning thereof, the same being the comprehensive zoning ordinance, by amending Article XX (Special Uses), Section 1, Subsection A. (27) thereof, by adding to such subsection additional zoning districts (being the Urban Center District, and any Planned Development District where the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption is allowed) in which the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption may be allowed upon the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the same, on application from the Town of Addison, represented by Carmen Moran. Adjournment.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1607-Z-1/MHSS Addison, LP. Requesting approval of an ordinance amending Planned Development Ordinance 009-004, Section 4. Development Standards and Conditions, Sub-section (a) Area Regulations., paragraph (iii), in order to revise a requirement for a parking structure on an interior lot line on Tract I from ten (10) feet to zero (0) feet, and eliminate a requirement for a ten (10) foot landscape buffer on an interior lot line on Tract I., and provide for approval of development plans in an existing Planned Development district, (#009-004), located on approximately 6.9 acres at the northwest and southwest corners of Sojourn Drive and Dallas Parkway, on application from MHSS Addison, LP, represented by Mr. Marc Goldman.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1613-SUP/Tom Thumb. Requesting approval of an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption only, located in a Local Retail zoning district and addressed as 14280 Marsh Lane, on application from Tom Thumb, represented by Mr. Gerald Franklin of the Gerald Franklin Agency.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1614-SUP/Pennysavers Foodstore. Requesting approval of an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption only, located in a Local Retail zoning district and addressed as 14330 Marsh Lane, on application from Mr. Abdul Hadwani of Altaf Foodstore, Inc.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1615-SUP/TETCO. Requesting approval of an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption only, located in a Local Retail zoning district and addressed as 5012 Belt Line Road, on application from TETCT Stores, LP, represented by Ms. Arlene Whitaker.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1616-SUP/La Zaranda Restaurant. Requesting approval of an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for a restaurant and a Special Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption only, located at 5000 Belt Line Road, Suite 850, on application from Mesea Enterprises, LLC, represented by Mr. Mario Letayf.
PUBLIC HEARING Case 1617-Z/Town of Addison. Requesting approval of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Addison by amending Appendix A – Zoning thereof, the same being the comprehensive zoning ordinance, by amending Article XX (Special Uses), Section 1, Subsection A. (27) thereof, by adding to such subsection additional zoning districts (being the Urban Center District, and any Planned Development District where the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption is allowed) in which the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption may be allowed upon the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the same, on application from the Town of Addison, represented by Carmen Moran. Adjournment.