Consent Agenda. #2a- Approval of Minutes for: 02/09/2010 Minutes for Regular City Council Meeting and Work Session #2b- Approval of the purchase of 10 Lifefitness treadmills and a 19 piece Lifefitness weight circuit. These items will replace the existing 10 Lifefitness treadmills and 18 piece Cybex weight circuit as part of General Service's Capital Equipment Replacement Plan. #2c- Approval of a contract with TBG Partners totaling $78,806.00 for landscape architecture design services relating to the recreation trail section proposed between the George H.W. Bush Elementary School site and Greenhill School. In addition, the scope of services includes the design of the school campus landscaping, playgrounds and learning garden contingent upon the approval of an interlocal agreement between the Town of Addison and the Dallas Independent School District. #2d- Approval of award of a bid to Flagship Facility Services, Inc., for custodial services at the Service Center, Police and Police sub-station, Central Fire, Finance and Athletic Club facilities.
Presentation by Ralph Doherty, Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, of the Planning and Zoning Commission Annual Report for 2009 Attachment(s): 1. Plannind and Zoning Commission Annual Report 2. P&Z attendance for 2009
Presentation, discussion and consideration of approval to authorize the City Manager to release the 2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Council authorize the release of the 2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
Presentation of 2009 Racial Profiling Report. Attachment(s): 1. 2009 Racial Profiling Report
Presentation, discussion and consideration of approval of the Dallas County Capital Improvement Program Project Supplemental Agreement to the Master Agreement governing major capital transportation improvement projects for the Addison Trail Phase 3 and 4 (Vitruvian Park ). Attachment(s): 1. Dallas County Agreement
Presentation, discussion and consideration of approval of an Assignment and Construction Services Agreement between the Town of Addison and UDR, Inc., in the amount of $548,890.52 for and regarding the management of the construction of certain public infrastructure (including park, streetscape and other public infrastructure improvements) within that area of the Town generally known as Vitruvian Park (Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1C). Attachment(s): 1. Contract Management Attachment
Presentation, discussion and consideration of approval to authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Halff Associates, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $370,000.00 for the design of certain public infrastructure (including two (2) vehicular bridges, one (1) pedestrian bridge and other public infrastructure improvements) within that area of the Town generally known as Vitruvian Park (Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D). Attachment(s): 1. Exhibit
Presentation and Discussion of 1st Quarter Financial Review. Attachment(s): 1. 1st Qtr 2010 Financial Review
Consent Agenda. #2a- Approval of Minutes for: 02/09/2010 Minutes for Regular City Council Meeting and Work Session #2b- Approval of the purchase of 10 Lifefitness treadmills and a 19 piece Lifefitness weight circuit. These items will replace the existing 10 Lifefitness treadmills and 18 piece Cybex weight circuit as part of General Service's Capital Equipment Replacement Plan. #2c- Approval of a contract with TBG Partners totaling $78,806.00 for landscape architecture design services relating to the recreation trail section proposed between the George H.W. Bush Elementary School site and Greenhill School. In addition, the scope of services includes the design of the school campus landscaping, playgrounds and learning garden contingent upon the approval of an interlocal agreement between the Town of Addison and the Dallas Independent School District. #2d- Approval of award of a bid to Flagship Facility Services, Inc., for custodial services at the Service Center, Police and Police sub-station, Central Fire, Finance and Athletic Club facilities.
Presentation by Ralph Doherty, Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, of the Planning and Zoning Commission Annual Report for 2009 Attachment(s): 1. Plannind and Zoning Commission Annual Report 2. P&Z attendance for 2009
Presentation, discussion and consideration of approval to authorize the City Manager to release the 2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Council authorize the release of the 2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
Presentation of 2009 Racial Profiling Report. Attachment(s): 1. 2009 Racial Profiling Report
Presentation, discussion and consideration of approval of the Dallas County Capital Improvement Program Project Supplemental Agreement to the Master Agreement governing major capital transportation improvement projects for the Addison Trail Phase 3 and 4 (Vitruvian Park ). Attachment(s): 1. Dallas County Agreement
Presentation, discussion and consideration of approval of an Assignment and Construction Services Agreement between the Town of Addison and UDR, Inc., in the amount of $548,890.52 for and regarding the management of the construction of certain public infrastructure (including park, streetscape and other public infrastructure improvements) within that area of the Town generally known as Vitruvian Park (Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1C). Attachment(s): 1. Contract Management Attachment
Presentation, discussion and consideration of approval to authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Halff Associates, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $370,000.00 for the design of certain public infrastructure (including two (2) vehicular bridges, one (1) pedestrian bridge and other public infrastructure improvements) within that area of the Town generally known as Vitruvian Park (Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D). Attachment(s): 1. Exhibit
Presentation and Discussion of 1st Quarter Financial Review. Attachment(s): 1. 1st Qtr 2010 Financial Review