Pledge of Allegiance Item #R1- Announcements and Acknowledgements regarding Town and Council Events and Activities Introduction of Employees Discussion of Events/Meetings
Approval of a marketing sponsorship for $50,000.00 for the Cavanaugh Flight Museum (CFM) for their 2012 marketing program.
Consideration and approval of an Ordinance canvassing the results of the general Municipal Election held on May 12, 2012 and an Ordinance canvassing the results of the special Bond Election held on May 12, 2012. Attachment(s): 1. Ordinance Canvassing General Election 2. Ordinance Canvassing Bond Election
Presentation, discussion and consideration of approval of the appointment of Mayor Pro Tempore and Deputy Mayor Pro Tempore.
Consideration, discussion and approval of a resolution supporting the appointment of Laura Maczka as the representative to the Regional Transportation Council of the North Central Texas Council of Governments. Attachment(s): 1. Richardson RTC Resolution
Discussion and Consideration of an Appointment of a Member to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Discussion and consideration of the approval of an ordinance adding Section 38-55 to the Town Code of Ordinances regarding the Addison Fire Department, including its organizational structure, functions, and existence. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Discussion and consideration of the approval of an ordinance amending various sections of the Town Code of Ordinances to accurately reflect the fire department organizational structure , roles and responsibilities. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Presentation, discussion and consideration of the approval of a Resolution adopting the revised Town of Addison Basic Emergency Management Plan as required by the State of Texas. Attachment(s): 1. Basic Emergency Plan Resolution & Signature Pages 2. Basic Plan NIMS 3. Emergency Management Exhibit Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Discussion of the Department of Financial & Strategic Services Quarterly Review for the quarter and year-to-date ended March 31, 2012. Attachment(s): 1. Q2 FY12 Quarterly FInancial Report
Discussion and consideration of approval of a Resolution to deny Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division's proposed rate increase pending further settlement discussions and to prevent Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division's proposedrate increase from automatically taking effect on June 11, 2012. Attachment(s): 1. Exhibit A 2. Atmos Rate Increase Denial Resolution Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the denial resolution.
Consideration and approval authorizing the City Manager to execute amendment number 3 to the existing Program Project Management Services agreement with R.H.Shackelford , Inc. through September 30, 2012 in the amount not to exceed $189,531.39. Attachment(s): 1. Amendment Number 3Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Closed (executive) session of the Addison City Council pursuant to Section 551.071, Tex. Gov. Code, to conduct a private consultation with its attorney to seek the advice of its attorney about contemplated litigation, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551, Tex. Gov. Code, regarding the Vitruvian Park public infrastructure (park and streetscape improvements), and the Spring Valley Road widening and extension of Vitruvian Way, construction contracts and projects.
Discussion and consideration of any action regarding the Vitruvian Park public infrastructure (park and streetscape improvements), and the Spring Valley Road widening and extension of Vitruvian Way, construction contracts and projects. Adjourn Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance Item #R1- Announcements and Acknowledgements regarding Town and Council Events and Activities Introduction of Employees Discussion of Events/Meetings
Approval of a marketing sponsorship for $50,000.00 for the Cavanaugh Flight Museum (CFM) for their 2012 marketing program.
Consideration and approval of an Ordinance canvassing the results of the general Municipal Election held on May 12, 2012 and an Ordinance canvassing the results of the special Bond Election held on May 12, 2012. Attachment(s): 1. Ordinance Canvassing General Election 2. Ordinance Canvassing Bond Election
Presentation, discussion and consideration of approval of the appointment of Mayor Pro Tempore and Deputy Mayor Pro Tempore.
Consideration, discussion and approval of a resolution supporting the appointment of Laura Maczka as the representative to the Regional Transportation Council of the North Central Texas Council of Governments. Attachment(s): 1. Richardson RTC Resolution
Discussion and Consideration of an Appointment of a Member to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Discussion and consideration of the approval of an ordinance adding Section 38-55 to the Town Code of Ordinances regarding the Addison Fire Department, including its organizational structure, functions, and existence. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Discussion and consideration of the approval of an ordinance amending various sections of the Town Code of Ordinances to accurately reflect the fire department organizational structure , roles and responsibilities. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Presentation, discussion and consideration of the approval of a Resolution adopting the revised Town of Addison Basic Emergency Management Plan as required by the State of Texas. Attachment(s): 1. Basic Emergency Plan Resolution & Signature Pages 2. Basic Plan NIMS 3. Emergency Management Exhibit Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Discussion of the Department of Financial & Strategic Services Quarterly Review for the quarter and year-to-date ended March 31, 2012. Attachment(s): 1. Q2 FY12 Quarterly FInancial Report
Discussion and consideration of approval of a Resolution to deny Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division's proposed rate increase pending further settlement discussions and to prevent Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division's proposedrate increase from automatically taking effect on June 11, 2012. Attachment(s): 1. Exhibit A 2. Atmos Rate Increase Denial Resolution Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the denial resolution.
Consideration and approval authorizing the City Manager to execute amendment number 3 to the existing Program Project Management Services agreement with R.H.Shackelford , Inc. through September 30, 2012 in the amount not to exceed $189,531.39. Attachment(s): 1. Amendment Number 3Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Closed (executive) session of the Addison City Council pursuant to Section 551.071, Tex. Gov. Code, to conduct a private consultation with its attorney to seek the advice of its attorney about contemplated litigation, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551, Tex. Gov. Code, regarding the Vitruvian Park public infrastructure (park and streetscape improvements), and the Spring Valley Road widening and extension of Vitruvian Way, construction contracts and projects.
Discussion and consideration of any action regarding the Vitruvian Park public infrastructure (park and streetscape improvements), and the Spring Valley Road widening and extension of Vitruvian Way, construction contracts and projects. Adjourn Meeting