1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Present and Discuss Non-Profit Organizations that Submitted an Application for Grant Funding from the Town of Addison for Fiscal Year 2020.
3. Present and Discuss Legislation Passed During the 86th Session of the Texas Legislature.
4. Present and Discuss the Stainless Steel Sculpture Proposed to be Located at the Addison Conference & Theatre Center.
5. Present and Discuss the Powder-Coated Steel and Cable Sculpture Proposed to be Located within the Public Art Easement in the AMLI Development.
Pledge of Allegiance
Announcements and Acknowledgements regarding Town and Council Events and Activities Discussion of Events/Meetings
Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion with no individual consideration. If individual consideration of an item is requested, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately.