Executive Session
6. Present and Discuss an Update on the WaterTower Theatre.
4. Present and Discuss an Update on the Customs and Border Protection Facility at Addison Airport.
5. Present and Discuss Texas Election Code Chapter 255 Regulating Political Advertising and Campaign Communications During a Bond Election.
Pledge of Allegiance
Announcements and Acknowledgements regarding Town and Council Events and Activities Discussion of Events/Meetings
Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion with no individual consideration. If individual consideration of an item is requested, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately.
11. Consider Action to Approve Change Order #2 to Flow-Line Construction, Inc., for the Construction of the Vitruvian Phase 5 Public Infrastructure Project Increasing the Construction Fee and Days to Complete and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Change Order in an Amount Not to Exceed $103,690.56.
12. Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on a Resolution to Propose a Property Tax Rate of 0.591133 cents per $100 of Property Valuation for the Town's Fiscal Year Beginning October 1, 2019 and Ending September 30, 2020, and Scheduling Public Hearings Regarding the Proposed Tax Rate and Proposed Budget for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year.
13. Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on an Ordinance Calling a Bond Election to be Held on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, a Uniform Election Date, within the Town of Addison, Making Provision for the Conduct of the Election and Other Provisions Relating Thereof; and Providing an Effective Date.
14. Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on a Resolution Supporting the Town of Addison's Application to the Texas Department of Transportation's 2019 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) / Safe Routes to School-Infrastructure (SRTS) Call for Projects.
15. Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on an Ordinance Granting a Meritorious Exception from the Code of Ordinances Chapter 62 Section 62-289 (a) Special District Addison Town Center for Ross Dress for Less Located at 3802 Belt Line Road, in Order to Permit a 258.8 Square Foot Wall Sign on the North Facade.
16. Present, Discuss and Consider Action on an Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordnances Chapter 62 Section 62-247 - Political Signs by Adopting New Regulations for Political Signs in the Public Right-of-Way and on Town-Owned Property.
17. Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on the Town's Process to Accept and Evaluate Applications for Grant Funding from Non-Profit Organizations that Serve the Addison Community.