Executive Session
Pledge of Allegiance
Announcements and Acknowledgements regarding Town and Council Events and Activities Discussion of Events/Meetings
Recognition of Fire Department Members John Lage and Tim Tomlinson for Completion of the National Fire Academy's Managing Officer Program.
Public Comment. The City Council invites citizens to address the City Council on any topic not on this agenda. Please fill out a City Council Appearance Card and submit it to a city staff member prior to Public Participation. Speakers are allowed up to three (3) minutes per speaker with fifteen (15) total minutes on items of interest or concern and not on items that are on the current agenda. In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the City Council cannot take action on items not listed on the agenda. The Council may choose to place the item on a future agenda.
Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion with no individual consideration. If individual consideration of an item is requested, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately.
Consider Action to Approve the February 27, 2018 and the March 6, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes.
Consider Action to Approve a Resolution for a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the Design and Implementation of the Town-wide Traffic Signal Optimization Project and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount not to Exceed $171,000.
Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on an Ordinance Granting a Meritorious Exception from the Code of Ordinances Chapter 62 Section 62-140. - Gasoline Signs and Section 62-162. - Premises Signs for Race Trac Located at 15196 Marsh Lane on the Northeast Corner of Marsh Lane and Arapaho Road, in Order to Permit Gas Price Signage on the Canopy and to Permit Additional Signage on the West Facade of the Building.