SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION July 22, 2021 ADDISON TREEHOUSE 14681 MIDWAY RD., SUITE 200, ADDISON, TX 75001 6:30 PM REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Addison City Council will Planning & Zoning Commission will conduct a SPECIAL JOINT MEETING on Thursday, July 22, 2021 at the Addison TreeHouse with a quorum of the City Council and Commission physically present. Limited seating for members of the public will be available using CDC recommended social distancing measures. The meeting will be live streamed on Addison's website at:www.addisontexas.net.
SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION July 22, 2021 ADDISON TREEHOUSE 14681 MIDWAY RD., SUITE 200, ADDISON, TX 75001 6:30 PM REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Addison City Council will Planning & Zoning Commission will conduct a SPECIAL JOINT MEETING on Thursday, July 22, 2021 at the Addison TreeHouse with a quorum of the City Council and Commission physically present. Limited seating for members of the public will be available using CDC recommended social distancing measures. The meeting will be live streamed on Addison's website at:www.addisontexas.net.